Billing information
For an overview, here is the registered office, registration numbers and account number to which you can send us a contribution.
Company name: | Pomocné tlapky s. r. o. |
Sídlo: | Svatopluka Čecha 1412, Starý Plzenec 332 02 |
IČ: | 26 32 26 41 |
DIČ: | CZ26322641 |
Registrace: | Pomocné tlapky s. r. o. registered at the business registry of regional court in Pilsen (Plzen) under the section O/44. |
Account number: | 78-3611440287/0100 |
Bank: | Komerční banka, Jiráskova 482/II, 33719 Rokycany |
Director: | Mrs. Hana Pirnerová |
Phone: | 724 279 599 |
E-mail: | |
Web: | |
If you are interested or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our director.